Please DO NOT send your student to school having any these symptoms:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- fever over 100°
If your student has these symptoms while at school, they will need to be picked up. These symptoms must be gone for a full 24 hours, without the use of symptom relief medication, BEFORE they can come back to school. If your student is diagnosed with an illness requiring antibiotics, they must have received them for a full 24 hours prior to returning to school. If an illness is suspected to be contagious in nature, a clearance note from a medical professional is required before returning to school. Also, if your student has sustained a serious injury (i.e.: head injury, fractures, stiches etc.) a release note is also required to return to school/PE/recess activities. PLEASE help us in keeping our student body healthy & happy!
Thank you,
GTUSD Nursing Staff