- Interdistrict Transfer Request Form
- Interdistrict Transfer Board Policy/Administrative Regulation #5117
The Inter-District Transfer process applies to those parents who wish their student(s) to attend school in a district other than their district of residence. All Inter-District Transfer requests must be initiated in the district of residence. An approved Inter-District Transfer must be in effect between the district of residence and the school district of desired attendance before a student can attend the desired school. The Gold Trail Union School District (GTUSD) accepts requests for transfers for subsequent school years as soon as registration has opened for that year.
The following terms and conditions apply:
1. An interdistrict application may be granted or denied based on the terms and conditions in each district’s board policies.
2. Approval by requested district is subject to space availability in the district and the district’s capacity to provide special education and related services if applicable.
3. Parent/guardian is responsible for providing transportation to and from school.
4. Some districts require interdistrict transfers to be renewed annually. Refer to district board policies for reapplication standards and procedures. When application renewals are required, both districts must approve the application for a student to continue school in the desired district.
5. The terms and conditions for revocation of an existing permit may include violation of district and/or school rules, excessive tardiness and/or absences, failure to maintain proper behavior, and/or failure to maintain passing grades in all subjects. Please refer to the district board policy.
6. Any false or misleading information provided to support a request may be grounds to deny, revoke, or not renew a permit.
Parent Rights
If you have not been granted permission for interdistrict attendance as you have requested within 30 calendar days after having made such a request, you are entitled to appeal to the County Board of Education. Your appeal rights are as follows:
1. You must appeal within 30 calendar days of the failure or refusal of either school district governing board to issue a permit or to enter into an agreement allowing the attendance. Your appeal must be made to:
El Dorado County Board of Education
6767 Green Valley Road
Placerville, CA 95667
2. Failure to appeal within the required time is good cause for denial of an appeal.
3. An appeal can only be considered if it is verified that you have exhausted all processes according to the local school district board policies. The County Superintendent of Schools, or a designee, shall investigate to determine whether local remedies in the matter have been exhausted. The Superintendent and/or designee may collect or request any additional information that may be useful to the County Board in determining the appeal.
4. You shall have the opportunity to have a hearing according to rules and regulations adopted by the County Board of Education. You may submit written statements and other documentation.
5. You shall be provided notice of the time and date of any hearing scheduled.
6. If you introduce new evidence to be heard by the County Board, the County Board may remand the matter for further consideration by the district or districts. In all cases, the appeal shall be granted or denied on its merits.
7. The County Board of Education is required, within 30 calendar days after the appeal is filed, to determine whether the pupil should be permitted to attend in the district in which he/she desires to attend. The County Superintendent has discretion to approve a request for postponement filed by you or by the school district for good cause provided the request if filed in writing at least five (5) calendar days prior to the hearing dates, except in an emergency. Following action by the County Board, a written decision incorporating the County Board’s rationale will be mailed to all parties within three (3) school days of the hearing, unless otherwise agreed upon.
8. If the interdistrict attendance involves school districts located in different counties, the county board of education having jurisdiction over the district denying the permit, or refusing or failing to enter into an agreement to allow the issuance of a permit, shall have jurisdiction for the purposes of an appeal.
9. If the appeal involves districts in different counties and both districts deny a permit, or refuse or fail to enter into an agreement to allow for the issuance of a permit, the county board having jurisdiction over the district of residence shall have jurisdiction for purposes of an appeal, and upon granting a pupil’s appeal, shall seek concurrence in the decision by the county board of the other county which shall provide adequate opportunity for the district under its jurisdiction to be heard on the matter before making a decision. If the two county boards do not then concur, the pupil’s appeal shall be denied.
10. Students who are under consideration for expulsion, or who have been expelled pursuant to Sections 48915 and 48918 may not appeal an interdistrict attendance denial while expulsion proceedings are pending or during the term of the expulsion.
For more information about interdistrict transfer appeals, please contact the El Dorado County Office of Education at (530) 622-7130 or visit their website at