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Mathematics Curriculum Pilot 

Gold Trail Union School District is in the process of piloting new mathematics curriculum for K-8 students. Gold Trail has established a Math Adoption Committee comprised of teachers, site administrators, and district leadership to determine the new materials that will best serve our students. This group has examined our district’s needs, as well as key research about best instructional practices for math instruction. The teams spent time reviewing each of the standards-aligned curricula for presence of key concepts, logical sequence, student understanding, monitoring student progress, and teacher support.


The committee has identified the following math programs to pilot during the fall semester of the 24-25 school year:

  • K-4: iReady
  • 5-8: MidSchool Math and iReady


During the spring semester, the following two math programs will be piloted:

  • K-4: AmplifyDesmos
  • 5-8: iReady and Amplify Desmos


Classrooms from all grade levels in each of our schools will pilot curricula as listed above. During the pilot process, data on both the teacher and student mathematics experience and learning will be collected.


Gold Trail values feedback from students and parents. Hard copies of materials were available for viewing at Sutter’s Mill and Gold Trail in September and October. We have extended our online parent input window, and we encourage any interested community members to provide feedback using the links below:


Online access to each of the curricula is included below through the end of November:


MidSchool Math:

  • URL:

  • Username:

  • Password: midschoolmath

  • Please note only one user can be logged in at a time. If you are unable to log in, please wait a few minutes and try again.



Go to and click "Log in with Amplify." 

  • Teacher account Username:

  • Student account Username:


    Password: Amplify1-admdemo




Beginning September 2, community feedback regarding our pilot curricula can be provided using the following Google Survey link:


We are excited about this opportunity to work with new materials as we continue to support the individual learning needs of each of our students in Gold Trail.  The district will review and consider feedback from all GTUSD stakeholders and bring forward a final recommendation for new math materials to the School Board in May. We will begin using the newly adopted materials district-wide in the 2025-26 school year.


 For questions regarding Sutter’s Mill pilot, please contact Keri Phillips, Sutter’s Mill Principal, at 530-626-3199, or


For questions regarding Gold Trail pilot, please contact Robin Smay, Gold Trail Principal, at 530-626-2595, or






Second Step

Second Step Calendar


Second Step is an evidence-based program used by thousands of schools and districts around the world, with 20.5 million students benefitting from it each year. Second Step curriculum helps students feel safe, supported, connected, and ready to learn. It supports the establishment and maintenance of a healthy learning environment and increases students’ academic and social success. Second Step includes lessons on topics such as responsible decision-making, working together to solve problems, and getting along with others.  To learn more about Second Step programs and research, click here. To find more information. To view sample lesson plans and the research behind Second Step, click here. The scope and sequence of Second Step lessons for Gold Trail School for 22-23 can be found in the accompanying document.


“Before, things in class were more chaotic, but now things are quieter and students are able to walk through situations with each other.”

-Early Learning Teacher, Western New York


“As instructional minutes were dedicated to SEL, there was a collective realization of just how critical these skills are to academic success.”

-Sandra Renner, Pupil Services Specialist


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