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Upcoming Events



Friday, March 28      School Closure Make-up Day – NO SCHOOL (see details below)

Tues, April 1             PTO Online Meeting @ 7:00 pm – see below link

Monday, April 7        CAASPP State Testing Begins

Thurs, April 10         GTUSD Board Meeting @ 6:00 pm, Sutter’s Mill School

April 14-18               Spring Break – NO SCHOOL

Monday, April 21     School Closure Make-up Day – NO SCHOOL (see details below)




As per the GTUSD 2024-25 calendar, the upcoming dates listed below are reserved as School Closure Make-up Days.  If school is closed due to inclement weather, power outages, etc., students will be required to attend on the designated make-up date.  If school does NOT close, these dates become NO SCHOOL days.

  • Friday, March 28
  • Monday, April 21




Thank you to all who participated in selling Butter Braids and Cookie Dough to raise funds for the 8th-grade graduation dance! 

  • Because of your support, we raised $762!  Skye was the school's top seller, and Mrs. Hornsby's 4th grade class sold the most as a whole!  
  • Delivery of the Butter Braids and Cookie Dough will take place at the end of the school day Thursday, March 27th.  Everyone who sold online, and entered an email, should have received an email with your online order report.  You will also receive your order form back, so that way you will know who to deliver the orders to.  
  • Please remember that the items must remain frozen. 
  • If your child will not be at school on March 27th, or you cannot pick up the orders on that day, please contact Tiffany Carter at 916-745-2917 or to make alternate arrangements.




Do you like helping others?  Would you like to help organize school events?  Do you want to help make Gold Trail even better?  If so, WEB might be the right place for you!  What is WEB?  Click link:

  • Applications are available from Mr. Perez and are due by Thursday, March 27.
  • Students selected for the program will be notified by April 11.




The CAASPP testing windows are April 7-10 and April 28-May 6.  Students in grades 4th-8th will be testing on a variety of days during these timeframes.   



PTO Online Meeting – Tuesday, April 1 at 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 3979 4022

Passcode: 062621


PTO Dine-out Night – Friday, April 4, 4:00-8:00 pm – Enjoy a dinner-to-go from Freshmex Express Mexican Grill, located at Prospector’s Plaza 3964 Missouri Flat Road, Placerville.  Proceeds will help support school events!


Parent’s Night Out  - Tickets on sale now! - Join us for an amazing night of dinner, dancing, dessert auction, cash bar, silent auction, raffle prizes, putt-putt, and so much more on Saturday, April 26 from 5:00-10:00pm at the Cold Springs Golf and Country Club!

  • Limited number of tickets available.  Early bird pricing runs through April 14th.  Click the link below to purchase tickets:
  • Single Ticket $40
  • VIP Couples Package $120 - Includes 2 tickets, 2 drink vouchers, and 60 raffle tickets.
  • VIP Table Package $480 - Includes 8 tickets, 8 drink vouchers, and 240 raffle tickets.
  • Click HERE for details



Want an EASY and FREE way to earn money for our school? Do you shop at Forklift, Nugget Markets, or Food-4-Less? Then stop by the office to get your FREE Scrip card. It’s simple!  Once you pick up your Nugget Scrip card from Sutter’s Mill or Gold Trail office, simply register it from the link provided on the back of the card. Fill out a few questions, choose your organization (Gold Trail Union School District), and then scan it before you finish your shopping transaction at one of the participating stores. You are welcome to pick up more than one card, and once you register, you can link multiple cards to the same account to combine your spending to make more money for our school. Thank you for helping support our schools! Please send any questions to

8th Grade Graduation Information

Graduation Planning Committee - Parents/guardians interested in participating in the 8th grade graduation committee are invited to attend the Wednesday, April 2 meeting from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Gold Trail School MP Room.


Graduation Donation Request - Calling all 8TH GRADE PARENTS, FAMILIES & BUSINESSES! Please consider donating to the 8th grade graduation dance. All donated funds will help with food, frills and festivities. Click HERE for form. Donation forms are also available in the school office. Take advantage of the tax deduction, Tax ID # is included. If unable to donate, help us circulate this form to other members or businesses of the community that may wish to participate. Please help make this an unforgettable night for our 8th graders!

Contact Us

Gold Trail School

889 Cold Springs Road

Placerville, CA 95667

PH: (530) 626-2595

FAX:  (530) 626-3199


Robin Smay, Principal

(530) 626-2595 ext. 365


Mickie Weekly


(530) 626-2595 ext. 364


Julie Reynolds


(530) 626-2595 ext. 300


Rose Olsen

Health Assistant-Nurse's Office

(530) 626-2595 ext. 367 



Monday – Friday

7:30 am – 3:30 pm

New Student Registration


(Current students do not need to be reregistered).




Gold Trail School - Grades 4-8

Sutter's Mill School - Grades TK - 3 

2024-25 YEARBOOK

The 2024-25 Gold Trail yearbooks are on sale now.  Order early and SAVE!  Click link below to place your order:

Yearbook 24-25

Community Events & Resources

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program

Students, ages 12-18, interested in aviation, space, or the military, are invited to join the Placerville Squadron 85 of the Civil Air Patrol.  The cadet program focuses on leadership, aerospace, fitness and character.  Click HERE for complete details.



Summer Youth Academies at Sacramento State College of Continuing Education – Registration Opens March 1!

The College of Continuing Education (CCE) wants you to be the first to know about Sac State’s Summer Youth Academies. These academies provide an exciting opportunity for students to delve into various subjects, gain a sneak peek at college life through academic exploration, engage in hands-on career activities, and interactive projects alongside expert coaching. 

  • Open to students in 7th through 12th grade, Sac State’s Summer Youth Academies are led by esteemed campus faculty and industry professionals from diverse fields such as Creative Writing, Engineering and Robotics, and more.
  • Scholarships are available through the website to ensure everyone has access to these enriching experiences.


Medical Information


All students entering, advancing, or transferring into 7th GRADE will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster immunization (called “Tdap”) and a second booster of the Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine in order to attend school.  In addition, ALL Kindergarten immunizations are required to advance to 7th grade.  According to California law SB277, waivers signed in Kindergarten are no longer valid, now that your child is entering 7th grade.

Our Mission

We strive to make Gold Trail School a place where students, parents, and staff work together to provide a positive, caring, and safe place where each student can achieve his or her personal best. 

Gold Trail's Campus

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