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Parents who are new to the area, reside within district boundaries, and are enrolling a student for the first time in the Gold Trail Union School District (GTUSD) may enroll their child at either Sutter's Mill School (grades TK-3) or Gold Trail School (grades 4-8).  There is no need to annually re-enroll students who are currently enrolled.

  • Please note that enrollment is not complete until all information has been reviewed by the school, other school forms are completed and residency has been verified.
  • If you are not sure of your district of residence, please refer to the attendance boundary map or call your local tax assessor's office to see which school district your property address tax dollars are supporting. 

The following documentation is required for registration:


  GTUSD enrollment is ONLINE* 

*While school sites are closed for summer, chromebooks are available at the District Office for your use or, for those who require them, paper registration packets are also available.

  Sutter's Mill: 530-626-2591

  Gold Trail School: 530-626-2595

2. Copy of proof of residency. Plus, if the student resides outside of the Gold Trail Union School District, a copy of the signed inter-district agreement must also be returned prior to the student being assigned a class schedule.

3. Copy of proof of student birth date, evidencing that the student is of the minimum age fixed by law for admission.  Acceptable forms of proof of birth date:  birth certificate, hospital certificate, baptismal or church certificate, or passport.

4. Student immunization record.  Completed vaccinations are required prior to school entry for all grades. For more information regarding vaccines that are required for school entry please see this checklist.

Any necessary copies of documents can be made by the school.

Registration packets should be returned with all required documentation. If registration packets are not complete at time of submission, your child will not be enrolled until all required documentation has been received. Once registration opens for a subsequent school year, registration paperwork should be returned as soon as possible in order for the District to secure proper placement and have adequate staffing in place.  Registration for a current school year needs to be received at least one full school day prior to expected student attendance. For additional information regarding registration please contact the school office at the school that you are requesting your student be enrolled.

Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten 

A child shall be admitted to kindergarten at the beginning of a school year, or at a later time in the same year if the child will have their fifth birthday on or before September 1st.  A child is eligible for TK if their 4th birthday is on or before September 1st of the 2025-2026 school year.  


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